Are You Dreaming of a Better Life?

Complete Episode Transcript:

Are the people in your life supporting or draining you?

I want to take a second and just welcome you to the podcast, I had a topic today that came across my virtual desk that I wanted to speak about and didn't have time to record a video with imagery. I apologize about that but I felt that this was an important topic because I see this a lot with clients. I've also dealt with it myself in the past, and it really has to do with setting goals and the things that you want to do in your life; the goals you have for yourself versus the people around you.

The reason why I use the term “versus” is because even though well meaning, you may have friends, family, work associates, just people around you, who are on a different wavelength vibrationally. Maybe these people aren't open to working on their goals, or open to seeing the world in the way that you are. So when you share something excitedly with them about a dream that you have, or something that you’re working on that isn’t common, or isn’t something that everybody is doing, you might hear low vibrational responses or maybe they're just not really excited, or they deflect, or they tell you that maybe it's not a good idea, maybe you should just stick with your nine to five.

As you're hearing these things, you know immediately at the surface and deep down in your heart, you know that the standardized systemic work nine to five in a job that you hate you're miserable and do that until you either retire, or now since they're raising the retirement age, hit the grave, and you know deep down in your heart that that's not a real life, nor is it the life that you want to live. So you're dreaming and thinking about something great or something bigger - a vision that is for you that has to do with your purpose, why you're here, what your contracts are that you entered this experience with, and finally tapping into that energy, feeling that excited vibration of tapping into your life course, and then sharing it with someone and then having it kind of just knocked down.

So, the thought for today is one - if we are in a place in our life where we have this beautiful energy that keeps coming up, like our higher self or that part of our self that is who we truly are, let's put it that way - not your job, not the designations that have to do with your ego, or your personality, things that have to do with separation, but rather the consciousness that is viewing everything, the experiencer that is experiencing through your vehicle, which is your body, through all the sensory. That part of yourself that is the actual experiencer knows what is needed to feel alive, to feel in connection with self. When you have this beautiful energy coming up, it can be like an amazing powerful energetic shift. But if we continue to have that energy coming up, but for some reason we find that we are continuously stuck, hitting brick walls, not able to move through a process, we start talking ourselves out of things.

One of the suggestions here is to stop and also take a look around you - what kind of people do you surround yourself with? What kind of activities do you engage in? Are you an avid reader? Do you take time to learn about new topics and new information that can help you along the path of your goals? What are the people who are around you do?

You know is there idea of expansion, something that's not in alignment with you? Or are they doing things that feel low vibrational to you? Are not beneficial for future goals and tapping in to self?

Really taking a minute to explore who you have surrounding you and what their vibration is can be the difference between you having:

A. The support you need to do what it is you're trying to do.

But most importantly,

B. Can actually knock your vibrational wavelength lower.

How can that be?

Well, since we know everything is connected, everything's just vibrating at different speeds to create solidity, versus liquids, versus energy and gases, we just see different levels of vibration to create those states of being. So what we see is, everything is technically connected; even the space that we believe is between us and another person, there’s still energy filling it.

So literally what we commit to the energy field with our vibration is actually accessing other people in this very moment. So when we understand that everything is connected, we can understand how being surrounded or inundated with people who are vibrating at a frequency that is out of alignment for what it is we are here to do, can definitely be a drain or a pull on our personal energy and our resources.

And that's not even to add in if a person deals with like people pleasing or something like that, then these people are pulling on you to get you to do things that really you don't have time to do, and then you say yes, then there's resentment. There can be a whole pathway that we go down depending on how intense this frequency is and what personal issues we are dealing with.

I share this thought with you today because I want to encourage you, if you’re a person who's here for that 5D work, you're ready to make that shift, okay, we're not waiting for a special time to do it, or some person to come along and free us from the bondage of our issues. It's work we have to do, it's a willingness and openness to step into new thought processes that open us up to higher frequencies, higher vibrations so we can have more of what we want. If you are one of those people and you are hearing this message today, please know that there are others like you out here who are doing the work.

Please also know that if you keep finding yourself stuck or you find that those people who are like you are never around you, it's always these other people who are like this the soul sucking energy that keeps you stuck, it's time to look at who you have sitting around you and make adjustments.

That doesn't necessarily mean that you have to end all of the relationships, but you may need to consider what kind of time you spend with them. Am I spending so much time with them that their energy is having a massive effect on me? You have to look at this person to person, everybody's different in the way that they interact with others, the way their energy field interacts with yours. You might find that for some people you can't deal with them at all and for some people you have to change the types of topics you discuss or the types of activities you engage in with them.

If you walk away from interaction with a person and you feel tired, you feel drained, you feel depressed, angry, frustrated - your frequency has dropped. This is your number one indicator that it is time to make some changes.

That is the message I have for you today, that just came across my virtual desk. I’m definitely looking forward to getting back into podcasting whether I have live video going on or you know we have just a voice format. Please feel free to leave comments below, let us know what you think about this topic today, personal experiences, things that you might be going through in this area.

This is your girl Tara with Coaching 4 Life, and I want to thank you for being here today. If you'd like more information on life coaching, energy-based workshops, we're having a yearly retreat as well that you can join. I think this year's, next year's retreat in 2024 we're going to be doing a Reiki Meditation Retreat over by the Mayan Riviera, so feel free to go to and you can find out about our metaphysical shop. We have a new Holistic Center in Ann Arbor Michigan, right off of Packard, and you can learn about how to sign up for the yearly Retreat as well, wonderful opportunity to meet others of like mind who will help raise your vibration. So once again, thank you so much for being here, this is your girl Tara with Coaching 4 Life, have a beautiful day.


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